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Returning to the studio: Covid Guidelines

We want to make training safe and enjoyable again…

Welcome Back!

On Monday 27th July we will be welcoming back our fantastic clients to the studio once again.

We want to make sure that the experience is as safe and enjoyable as possible for everyone who is returning. In order to do this we have taken several steps from government recommendations to co-vid secure the studio environment. Whilst we have implemented some small changes to procedures and user experience during training sessions from our side we also need some help from yourselves to ensure we keep a low risk for all of our clients when visiting the studio.

There will be no classes initially but we will be introducing smaller sessions in the not too distant future

Below we have outlined the procedures that have been implemented at the studio and also some simple steps that you as clients can do to help us stay Covid safe. We thank you in advance for your co-operation and we look forward to working with you soon.

Before Arrival:

· Please do not attend your session if you are showing any symptoms of illness, however small. Please don’t attend any sessions if you have any cold or flu like symptoms, even if they are different to recognisable Covid 19 symptoms.

· Although not compulsory at present, you will be given the option to request a face mask, either for yourself or worn by your trainer. Please let your trainer know prior to arrival if you wish this to be implemented

· If you would prefer to train in our outside area or in the upstairs studio, please let your trainer know well in advance so they can book and prepare that area for you.

On Arrival:

· Please arrive at the studio only a few minutes before your session start time and wait either in your car or stand outside the studio. Please do not enter on your own, your trainer will come outside and collect you (there will be no warm ups allowed or waiting in the normal reception area). Please be aware that we will be staggering client entrance by a few minutes to perform some checks, so it is important that you wait until your trainer collects you from outside to help maintain social distancing.

· Please arrive in your training kit, Changing rooms and showers will not be available for the foreseeable future. Toilets will be available.

· Once your trainer has welcomed you to the studio, whilst in the entrance hall, we will take your temperature and ask you to sanitise your hands. If you have car-keys / phone with you, we will ask you to place these in your trainers pre sanitised security box. This box will then be placed in your designated training area for your session next to the sanitisation station. Please try not to bring bulky personal items with you, the normal storage area behind reception will be out of bounds for clients.

· Please bring your own drinks container and ideally a drink with you. The water dispensers will be operational but to limit client movement within the studio we would prefer not to use them. In line with government guidelines, we will not be supplying disposable cups.

Your Session:

· Each client, as always, will have their own training space to work in, However there will be a few small changes to how we normally conduct our sessions. There will be no changing of training rooms during your session, even if you are the only client present in the studio.

· Each training room will have a piece of cardio kit in it. The usual small cardio area adjacent to the middle room will only be used by the client working within the middle room.

· Each room will have a sanitisation station. This will have anti-bacterial spray, hand gel, blue roll and a bin for disposal. Please do not bring a towel with you and use the provided blue roll instead.

· In order to make sure we can sanitise training areas sufficiently and conduct appropriate checks unfortunately session length will be reduced by approximately 5-10 minutes. We thank you for your understanding with this and hope to return to a full 60min session asap.

· There will be no contact training e.g. boxing.

· Please use the available anti-bacterial gel at regular intervals throughout your session.

· If you need to use the toilet during the session please follow the guidelines set out in the toilet area.

On Exit:

· Please be advised that depending on studio numbers and training area used, you may be asked to leave through the rear studio exit via Milner cop. This will help us to maintain social distancing.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact your trainer prior to visiting the studio. We look forward to seeing you very soon and thank you for your support during these difficult times. We are giving each of our valued clients a free Creation training top on return to the studio. Make sure to ask your trainer for yours when visiting the studio.

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